Terms and Conditions

This website and email/SMS lists are services of WeatherAg provided specifically to Citrus Growers and more specifically to members of California Citrus Mutual (CCM). 

Signing up for one or more email/SMS lists certifies that you are a CCM member and that you agree to the following terms:

Forecasts are issued twice daily from November 15 through March 15.  WeatherAg is not responsible for any technological problems, including, but not limited to: non-delivery or delayed delivery of emails or messages.  Forecasts are accurate at time of issuance, but may change thereafter.  Therefore, user/subscriber understands that forecasts are to be used as a guide and for situational awareness.  WeatherAg is not liable for any changes in its issued forecasts.  Forecasts are emailed/texted twice daily: between 9:00am and 10:00am and between 1:30pm and 4:00pm.  Once the afternoon forecast is issued, there are no further forecasts issued for the day.

You may unsubscribe from your list(s) at any time.

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